Audience: ERP Admin and Accounting Manager
Summary: Reviews what you should know and do to prepare to sync with QuickBooks Desktop
QuickBooks Desktop is an accounting software that is not cloud-based. Instead it is what is considered “on-prem” or on premises. Each company file in QuickBooks will sync to its own MineralTree company. This guide will review best practices for before, during, and after your QuickBooks Desktop sync.
Before the Sync
Please familiarize yourself with the QuickBooks Desktop Integration Guide prior to the call.
Check the Company File Size. If a single company file is over 700MB, a best practice is to use a computer/server that you will not need to access until your initial and historical sync is complete to avoid a decrease in QuickBooks performance. Please inform your implementation manager if you have large company files.
Single User Mode. Plan to be in this mode during the sync. This means all other users cannot be working in QuickBooks during this time.
Last Restore Date. Provide the date(s) of the last time any company files were restored in the last year (if applicable).
Microsoft .Net Framework. Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5 or above should be installed. All Windows PCs and Servers come preinstalled with this, but if it is not we will install it during your initial sync call.
Gather Your Resources. People required at the sync call:
- An Accounting Manager to access the Connector download area and generate the Connector key.
- A QuickBooks Desktop Administrator to allow access into QuickBooks. If the admin credentials are used by multiple people to access QuickBooks, then a new “Full Access” user should be created in QuickBooks specifically for this purpose.
- Someone with install permissions. If you are unable to download programs on your computer or server, you’ll need a Network Administrator to assist you. If your QuickBooks server is externally hosted, this might mean reaching out to them for assistance.
During the Sync
Once your resources are gathered, we will guide you through your sync.
- Login to QuickBooks as an Admin in Single User Mode.
- NOTE: If these admin credentials are used by multiple people to log into QuickBooks, you should create another admin user for this purpose.
- Download the MineralTree Connector on a Windows computer or the server where QuickBooks is installed by following the steps below. If located on a desktop instead of a server, it is recommended that the Connector be downloaded on 2+ computers containing QBD in order to provide redundancy. If QuickBooks is hosted by a third party they may need to be involved in the sync process.
- Log into MineralTree as an Accounting Manager and select the appropriate corresponding company if you have multiple QuickBooks company files.
- Access Company Profile by clicking on your initials in the top right corner of the screen.
- Click on Download Connector
- Run the downloaded file
- A popup will flash
- Connector Key prompt will appear on your Desktop
- Copy the Connector Key from the Company Profile page in MineralTree and paste it into the prompt and click Next.
- Please ensure you are connecting the relevant QB File to the corresponding MineralTree company.
- The popup may display an error message stating it cannot connect to Quickbooks. This is normal, please proceed to the next step.
- The QuickBooks Application will pop up with the below Certificate screen. Select the below options and then click Continue...:
- Select “Yes whenever the QuickBooks company file is open” (4th option).
- Select "Login as: Admin"
- Check “Allow the application to access personal data…”
Select Done and/or Complete on the next pop-up.
Confirm those same options in step 3 on the next window.
Return to the Connector Key prompt and hit Next twice
The prompt will now ask you to confirm if you want to sync this MineralTree company with the QuickBooks file. If everything looks correct, click Begin Sync. If it is incorrect, exit the Connector immediately.
The Connector should now be syncing. Depending on the size of your company file, this may take as little as 5 minutes or up to 120 minutes. During this time, do not close the Connector and ensure the workstation does not shut down, hibernate, or go into sleep mode. When the sync is complete the connector status will update to Connected to Server in the system tray in the bottom right corner of your screen. It is now safe to exit the Connector and switch out of single-user mode.
If connecting multiple QuickBooks files, please follow these steps again but skipping step 2 as you will not need to download the connector again. For every company file, you will also need a Connector Key which will be generated during this time.