Audience: ERP Admin and Accounting Manager
Summary: Reviews what you should know and do to prepare to sync with Sage Intacct.
Sage Intacct is a cloud-based ERP system that allows its users to have either a single or a multi-entity setup. For multi-entity setups, MineralTree allows users to sync to either the Top or one of the entities.
Before the Sync
Determine How Entities Should Sync. If you have more than one entity, you have two options on configuration. Once the sync begins, you cannot change this.
Top Level - Recommended for a centralized accounting team
- All entities exist in the same MineralTree company
- All invoices, documents, vendors are co-mingled in the same environment
- Invoices created in MineralTree will post to the Top level
- Users log into one company instead of several entities
- One inbox exists for all documents across entities
Entity Level - Recommended for a decentralized accounting team
- One entity per MineralTree company
- Invoices, documents, and vendors all route to their own unique entity company
- Users log into each entity’s company to complete tasks
- A document inbox exists for each entity
Prepare the Intacct Environment. The Intacct administrator must prepare the Intacct environment for MineralTree to sync. These steps are critical in order to allow data to sync back and forth between systems.
Large Data Quantities. Intacct Admins should inform MineralTree if they have more than 250,000 of the following:
Company Items, Customers, Purchase Orders, Departments, Classes, Locations, Projects/Jobs, GL Accounts, Open Bills or Vendors.
In cases where there are large quantities of the above items, these will need to be uploaded into the system prior to the initial sync.
Document sync. MineralTree allows documents to sync from MineralTree to Intacct but not vice versa. This can also be enabled after the sync, but it is not retroactive. If you have a storage limit in Intacct, this is something should consider before enabling this feature. Document storage also needs to be enabled in Intacct.
Gather Your Resources. People required at the sync call:
- An Accounting Manager user.
- A Sage Intacct Admin. The administrator should have full administrator access to Intacct and come to the sync call with the Intacct Company ID for your organization as well as the entity IDs for any entities you want to sync if you are not doing a Top level configuration.
During the Sync
Please familiarize yourself with the Sage Intacct Integration Guide prior to the call. Syncs are always completed during off-peak hours. The initial and historical syncs have the largest quantity of data that has to be transferred between systems. Syncing after hours provides the best customer experience by not risking a slow-down of service due to this large data transfer.
To initiate the sync, an accounting manager user must log into MineralTree and enter their Intacct Admin's login credentials (these are distinct from your MineralTree login credentials) into the User ID and Password fields.
Depending on the type of sync desired, fill the following additional fields
Top level sync
- Company ID
Entity level sync
- Company ID
- Entity ID
For assistance in find these values, refer to this article section.
For Client sync (uncommon), supply Company ID and Client ID.